Monday, April 16, 2012

ugh, its been WAY TOO LONG!

It's funny that I choose to write this blog right after I have had a wonderful weekend with my mother and maggie. And the last time I wrote on this blog I was at my mom's house :) like i said- i do feel regenerated and renewed after seeing her. moving on to the weekend-it was great, except for the fact that Wyatt had had a fever all week- friday we took a trip to the doctors to find he had an ear infection....after we got all of his medicine and into bed we had a nice little visit. only to wake up the next morning to find him with a full body rash-poor little thing. off to the doctors again...and now we know, just like daddy hes allergic to penicillin. But of course we all had a great time-managed to make it to The Acworth Art festival...get in a couple of great movies...Lulu brought wyatt some great toys and we checked out Red Top Mountain State park...for future camping :)

Like i told my mom this weekend-its a good thing they came to play with us..because that always gets my booty into gear (aka unloading more boxes from our February move,getting in a few much needed "honey do" projects and well pretty much just making things in our living space look cute! and i'm not gonna lie nothing feels better to me than waking up to a clean, organized house....just don't go in my basement!

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