Saturday, January 25, 2014

NOT trying to be perfect anymore!

Lay aside the old self....Be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new self (Ephesians 4:22-24)

In a strange way today has been the polar opposite of yesterday. Yesterday I woke up with a feeling of I had the wonderful ideas, but everything was stopping me. Today I woke up feeling like ....I was capable. Capable of anything....and for the word PERFECTION not be included in anything I do. I look back at my life (I am aware I am still young) ...but come on 26 is a while, right? Anyway, I was thinking about all the ideas I've dreamt up in my head...some dumb ...some crazy.....and some crazy good. But instead, I let fear of what others think, fear of plain judgement of myself....phrases like, "Stephanie, you're just not good enough at that.." or " Steph, everyone will think you are ridiculous!" And now that I look at where I am at with my life and what I have already done, I think well damn, I don't care what anyone thinks and I am literally going to hate myself if I don't do this!!!!!!! So just do it damn-it!! ....and most importantly stop waiting for every thing to be perfect before you start your "perfect" idea.

Cheers to a great Saturday ! (this is a weekend tradition, mimosas! )

 Right now, Wyatt is napping (thank goodness) Chad is an angel and putting together a dresser and few other odds and ends we picked up at IKEA today, I was straitening up the house and helping Chad when I had to run to the Mac and start typing. My mother and other wise people have told me for years to journal....instead I wrote songs. Unfortunately I cant read or write we will call it poetry for now, sits in a box buried in other memorabilia. But, logging....blogging or journal would have been so much better!  

So I blog today with a happy spirit because I started watching the show Parenthood with Chad (all my friends know we haven't had cable in years) I don't feel like I've had time for tv....OK! TRUTH TIME: I have a very addictive personality!! and I cant stand for my heart to be broken again when a show like....oh I don't know, FRIENDS decides they just want to stop airing!!!...yes I own every season, and for the record, I cried the last episode of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER too!....So I am willingly setting myself up for heartbreak again, but so far it has been worth it :) 

Chad and I have also accomplished a few family goal decisions having to do with Wyatt's future....soon to come. We have also wrapped up some major projects to finish our Atlanta one/one apartment! ....Ill try to use this blog to post pics I have never posted on facebook or instagram... I have many :) 

One of the fun things I catch Wy doing....taking a bath when we are literally trying to walk out the door!

Entertaining mommy while shopping 

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